Missing MPCORB objects

Bill J. Gray Jun 24, 2000

Hi folks,

Lawrence is correct: the 'go to' function should work, regardless
of magnitude level. (Though you _do_ need to have MPCORB turned 'on'
to find MPCORB objects.)

However, I think I've got the problem. John Greaves reminded me,
via private e-mail, that there was a problem when MPCORB grew past
64K asteroids, and I posted a fix for it. This is in message 647:


Basically, if you download the current software, this problem should
go away. (Until you do so, Guide will show only N-64K of the N asteroids
in that file.)

And now for something completely different: if anyone has tried using
one of the many brands of cheap PC cameras (such as Connectix or the
Logitech QuickCam) to get a wide-field view of the night sky, please
contact me via private e-mail and tell me how it turned out. (I'm
trying to find one capable of getting recognizable star patterns,
even if only down to second or third magnitude.)

-- Bill