Re: [guide-user] new to the group - question

Bill J Gray Aug 1, 2008

Hi Dietmar,

"...I understand, once guide 8 is connected to the drive-system, it
should display an indicator on the screen that continuously updates
to show where the scope is pointed...?"

Yes. This is described at

Basically, you'll need to turn on a toolbar button that toggles
the scope indicator.

" there an optional set of parameters to enter, that allow a very
specific search for objects like: 'display galaxies of peculiar size
(let us say larger than 10 arc minutes)' that would help enormously
in my research for objects I'd like to image."

Unfortunately, no. The only way to filter galaxies is by magnitude.

I have some vague plans for taking advantage of Guide's user-added
dataset capability to do more complex filtering, so you could say,
"show me all edge-on galaxies with sizes between 7 and 10 arcminutes
and surface brightness greater than such-and-such Rmags/arcsecond^2".
One _can_ filter asteroids by orbital parameters, and I may add a
similar filter for artificial satellites (so one can show geosats
only, or Molniyas only, or non-debris, etc.) But nothing apt to
be completed soon.

-- Bill