DSS from internet

barringtonri Apr 24, 2008

It's been more than a year since I experienced problems with
downloading DSS images. The last time it was because the Space
Telescope Science Institute's archives were down. This time they're
not. I was able to download the .FITS file I was looking for and
then bring it up in Guide 8, but Guide 8 (5 May 2007 version)(freshly
reloaded) will not download it directly.

I'm using about a 1° field. Under DSS/Real Sky Image the "show
image" box is checked, the "show at" is set for 0 - 1.6, "downloads"
is set for DSS1 and Normal. When I clikd on DSS from Internet, the
hourglass icon comes on while the image is apparently downloading,
and after a few seconds the star background blinks. I then click OK
to get rid of the DSS/Real Sky Image box. And there's no image.

Neither can I access the A2.0 star catalog online. I'm bumping into
an UNKNOWN ERROR window.

Any thoughts as to what's happening this time around? Input would be
greatly appreciated.

Pete Peterson

--- In guide-user@yahoogroups.com, "duble.stars" <duble.stars@...>
> Hiya
> Well, if you mean you can't get piccies now, that's likely coz the
> whole archive.stsci servers are down, for instance the GSC2.3 thing
> mentioned yesterday is down too at the moment.
> They've had a notification up for a week or so that they were going
> shut down on 9th March 2007 their local time for electrical
> maintenance upgrade work, so everything would be unplugged, or
> something similar. ie, not normal maintenance, sounds more like
> work, unrelated to the computers.
> If it's still down today I suppose it might well be down all
> The Japanese have a DSS mirror, usno.nofs.navy.mil have an image
> server, and I think eso might have one, not sure. You can use
> at the cds strasbourg, which has its own archival images on its own
> servers, but of course this doesn't help you integrate into Guide 8.
> But as I say, the stsci archive sites are under maintenance and
> off, so all you'll get is timeout messages or 404s or whatever from
> your browser, as at the moment they don't exist, which is why the
> error trap Bill built in won't be returning a message from the dss
> I've just checked aladin, and that seems to not work either, unless
> it's something at this end.
> Cheers
> John
> --- In guide-user@yahoogroups.com, "barringtonri" <pecorp@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Things have been smooth with my Guide 8 for a long time now, and
> > tonight while trying to identify Sirius B from background clutter
> > found that I can no longer retreive DSS images from the web. I
> > understand a problem with Sirius, but it won't work for any
> > in the sky.
> >
> > I'm using about a 1° field. Under DSS/Real Sky Image the "show
> > image" box is checked, the "show at" is set for 0 -
1, "downloads" is
> > set for DSS1 and Normal. When I clikd on DSS from Internet, the
> > hourglass icon comes on while the image is apparently
> > and after a few seconds the star background blinks. I then click
> > to get rid of the DSS/Real Sky Image box. And there's no image.
> >
> > Would someone please be so kind as to tell me what setting I've
> > screwed up? I can find galaxy images that are already in place
> > will turn off and on with the DSS show image box setting and will
> > negative at the DSS box setting. I just can't seem to view new
> > images.
> >
> > Thanks in advance for the help.
> >
> > Pete Peterson
> >