James Ellis Jun 20, 2000
>Hi folks,
> For the LX-200 and Ultima 2000, which have built-in alignment
>hardware, this is "the end of the story". For encoders as used
>in Guide, you can also make use of more than just two alignment
>stars. By doing so, you get somewhat improved alignment, _especially_
>in the areas close to the alignment stars. All Guide has to do is to
>look through its list of alignment stars and select two that are close
>to the current area.
> Theoretically, Meade and Celestron really ought to implement this
>extremely simple and powerful technique in hardware. It's not especially
>computationally or memory intensive, even for an embedded system.
>Failing that, I may have to figure out a way to do it in software for
>those scopes. That would consist of the following kludge: after
>you've aligned your Meade/Celestron scope "normally", you could add
>further alignment stars in Guide. That would let Guide think things
>such as, "in the area of this star, the scope is pointing 2.3 arcminutes
>south and 1.8 arcminutes east of the proper position... so when slewing
>to targets in that area, aim 2.3 arcminutes north and 1.8 arcminutes west."
> This is not a _good_ solution. The good solution would be to do it in
>the scope's hardware. But we might settle for this...
>-- Bill
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