RE: [guide-user] Delay between alignment stars

Andre Germain Jun 19, 2000

Bill ---> ...And you would make me very happy too! (home grown scope)


Theoretically, Meade and Celestron really ought to implement this
extremely simple and powerful technique in hardware. It's not especially
computationally or memory intensive, even for an embedded system.
Failing that, I may have to figure out a way to do it in software for
those scopes. That would consist of the following kludge: after
you've aligned your Meade/Celestron scope "normally", you could add
further alignment stars in Guide. That would let Guide think things
such as, "in the area of this star, the scope is pointing 2.3 arcminutes
south and 1.8 arcminutes east of the proper position... so when slewing
to targets in that area, aim 2.3 arcminutes north and 1.8 arcminutes west."