Re: Second CCD frame?

Lawrence Harris Apr 15, 2008

I have now edited this line in - but as well as the correct guider FOV above the
main chip, there is also now a second 'guider' somewhat displaced from the real
one. I can ignore it but.......?

Lawrence Harris

>Re: Second CCD frame?
> Posted by: "Bernd Brinkmann" bernd.brinkmann@... b48doher
> Date: Wed Mar 5, 2008 12:31 am ((PST))
>Hello Lawrence,
>> Do we already have - or could we have a second CCD camera frame available and
>> offset? I want to set up a guide camera frame near to the main CCD frame to
>> anticipate an guide star finding difficulties - of which I have a lot!
>do you mean a guider chip with a fixed separation and orientation (as many of
>the SBIG cameras have) or a second independant camera? For the first case
>your problem is solved. The CCD guider chip frames are included in Guide.
>For the second case it is more complicated but doable. Look at the file
>CCDS.NAM in the guide directory. There you can see how a second ccd chip
>is handled.
>The details how to add a second guider chip are explained here:
>and here are "Guider rings" explained:
>But all this only applies, if the offset of the guider chip is constant and not
>movable as in a seperate guider scope with adjustable ring brackets.
>Hope this helps and clear skies