Re: [guide-user] Strange appearance of planets

Bill J Gray Mar 14, 2008

Hi Claudio,

"... Now all the Planets, the Sun and the moon are displayed
as seen from a point of view directly abouth their south pole."

There are two possibilities: your viewpoint has been shifted
very far south of the ecliptic, or the planet's axes have been

If the moon shows up very small and many AU away, then your
viewpoint has been skewed. Hit Ctrl-F5 and enter an offset of
0. You should wind up back in Rome. (Then we can switch to
puzzling out how you ended up far off Earth in the first place!)

But I think it is more likely that, when you unZIPped
'', you didn't unzip everything from the file. It
is _absolutely necessary_ to do this; if you simply unzip
'guide8.exe', or just that plus a few other files, things
will go wrong.

In this particular case, if you unZIP 'guide8.exe' and
no more, you will not have the file 'cospar.txt'. This file
contains the data Guide uses to determine the orientation of
planets. Without it, their axes can point in strange places.
I think you will find that your Guide folder lacks 'cospar.txt'.
If so, unZIP '', this time extracting _all_ of the
files in it.

-- Bill