Typo in 'level sizes'/heliocentric probes

Bill J Gray Mar 10, 2008

Scott, thanks for that catch! As you might expect, that'll be
a trivial fix.

Kevin, try deleting 'now_comt.dat'. Guide will rebuild it, this
time without the probes you've removed from 'probes.dat', and all will
be well. The problem is that Guide expects changes in the asteroid/comet
data (via either Edit Comet Data or Add MPC Comets/Asteroids). But the
idea that you might go in and manually alter 'probes.dat' doesn't
occur to it.

Anybody found anything else? (I should mention that I'm mostly
thinking "bug fix" right now, i.e., trying to get a nice, stable
version to post. But I'm open to "new feature/change this" ideas;
I just won't do any of 'em until the update is posted.)

-- Bill