Re: [guide-user] MPCORB gone wacky

Bill J Gray Mar 5, 2008

Hi Pete,

Sorry for the late reply to this!

Something must have gone wrong in the update. You should
_not_ be asked for a password when you unZIP that file. I've
heard of that happening, and in each case, it turned out that
the downloaded 'guide8.exe' was corrupted.

Download it again, and unZIP it, and all should be well.

You mentioned that "two files, one a .exe file -- I don't
recall the other -- required a password, so I just excluded
them from the download." Depending on what those two files
were, there could be multiple errors going on in the program.
Those would range from some odd feature failing ("why is the
moon showing up as being beyond Alpha Centauri?" or something
like that) to the program just Not Working, full stop. But
getting an uncorrupted '' should put you back in
the saddle.

-- Bill