MPCORB gone wacky
barringtonri Feb 29, 2008
My Guide 8 has been acting strangly, displaying Messier objects bunched
up an an area above the ecleptic. And today it refused to boot from
the hard drive, asking for the original CD.
So I dumped it and reloaded eveything, and then updated to the latest
online revision. (Strangly, 2 files, one a .exe file - I don't
remember the other - requried a password so I just excluded them from
the download). I then downloaded and unzipped MPCORB and moved
the .dat file to the other guide 8 files.
That's how I stumbled onto the fact that with the screwed up Messier
positions were related to turning MPCORB on. Turn it off and
everything's normal.
Has anyone experienced this problem? I have the feeling that I'm doing
something stupid. Win XP Pro, Pentium dual core high speed PC.
Help! Please.
Pete Peterson