Lawrence Harris Feb 8, 2008
>50 deg altitude) was below the horizon. I can't fix problems like those.regards
>1b. Re: ephemeris service
> Posted by: "Robert Elliott" elliottb@... stargazer54742
> Date: Thu Feb 7, 2008 11:06 am ((PST))
>I am not sure just what you are trying to do, but if it is to get a
>location of C/2008 C1 Try these two things.
>Go to Extras in guide and click on "Add MPC Comets/Asteroids"
>That will take you to a page of data you can get from the MPC without you
>actually having to go there. Click on "Download updated comet data and add
>it to guide" If you are connected to the internet, Guide will
>automatically go out and get the comet elements file and update the file on
>your computer usually so fast you won't see anything happen.
>Then click on the "GO to" box in the Guide toolbar and select the comet of
>choice. NB. the list of comets is determined by the magnitude limit you
>have selected in the display data listing under the "Display" box on the
>I hope this helps.
>Bob Elliott
>MPC 762