Re: [guide-user] Asteroid names

Woodchuk Jan 23, 2008

One little problem that may occur with the MPC sorter is that if the asteroid is
too faint at the time you run the sorter, is that it won't include the asteroid's
data in the finished file. An easy work around is to go directly into the full
MPCORB.dat file, find the line for the missing asteroid, copy the line into the
sorted MPcorb.dat file. Or just load the full file into Guide.

Denis wrote:
> Make sure you have the latest Guide update as MPC changed the format and
> older version of Guide have a problem reading their new files. You can
> also download a little program I wrote which can take the MPCORB.dat
> file and reduce it from 50mb to something smaller by selecting a maximum
> mag. It reconstructs the file to work properly in Guide.
> Download 'MPC Sorter' at

Larry Wood

300x is almost enough!