Re: Constellation asterisms and figures.

darioanderle Jan 16, 2008

Hi Bill,

Many thanks.
I have already tested the asterism generator … very good

For constellation figure it is OK b&w
For scale we need a reference figure where to put the data
Can be good a standard cylindrical projection with two circular
drawing for the pole.
We put the image in the drawing (bmp or jpg) and guide put them on the
screen …

Hi Bertrand,

1) It is better to use Constlin.exe in dos (for windows you have to
use cmd.exe)
2) In the same directory you have to add dos4gw.exe with compbsc4.dat
3) After run the program checks constout.txt: if you have some line as
0 0 000 you have an error in the data.
4) In the data file you have to delete all the characters after the 13
last input line (also a space gives an error) and you haven't to have
two consecutively start point in the stars data (two 0 consecutively
in the 13 column).

For test I have test the Chinese asterism using the data edited by
Yu-Pu Wang Oct 20, 2007 in

The data are in HIP so I have convert them in BCS (I have deleted HIP
stars without a BCS reference).

Please see the added test file in the Bayer directory

