Displaying NSV Data
Roger Pickard May 28, 2000
Dear Bill,
Now here's a strange one for you!
When going to NSV 10361 on one machine it calls it NSV 10362 and when you
right click it calls it NSV 10362 but in more info it's correct at NSV 10361!
This also seems to apply to all NSV objects greater than 10361 (not that
I've checked them all!) i.e. it calls it one number higher than it is!
However, for all(?) objects below this it gives the correct answer!
But on another machine running the same CD (Guide7) but possibly not all
the files have been regularly updated, the only errors it gives are as
NSV 10359 OK
NSV 10360 = 10359!
NSV 10361 = not a VS Designation
NSV 10362 OK
I note in the NSV3.dat file on the CD there is a variable listed as
10360A which seems a little strange. Would this have something to do
with the problem?
Your assistance would be appreciated.
Roger Pickard