Re: UCAC2 missing sections

Lawrence Harris Dec 17, 2007

Thanks Dr Clay

This is currently exactly what I do. I am currently specialising in circumpolar
objects - just to see!


>Re: UCAC2 missing sections
> Posted by: "P. Clay Sherrod" drclay@... drclay2002
> Date: Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:19 am ((PST))
>To my knowledge, the UCAC-2 catalog is still incomplete for high northern declinations; it goes as
>high as about 55 deg (i.e., in Perseus) in limited areas of the northern sky. However, I highly
>recommend that it be used when possible in lieu of the USNO A2 catalog. I use Guide8 toggled
>between the two and only use A2 when absolutely necessary for circumpolar objects.
>Dr. Clay
>Arkansas Sky Observatories