Need Help in restoring Palomar plates

Tom Campbell Dec 7, 2007

Hi all,

Is there a way I can restore the Palomar plates without me having to
do a complete reinstall of G8?

I deleted them from the overlay window in an attempt to turn off the
DSS/Real Sky images. I eventually found the display check box in
"extras" that let me to switch off the "DSS images" that had been
cluttering some of my finder charts.

However, now there are a few stars missing on my custom asteroid
occultation 30' finder charts that were there before with the same
display settings. On one of my sets of star hop charts, a faint target
star itself is now missing that was there before I inadvertently lost
the Palomar plates.

When I first installed G8 a month ago, I did a complete install onto
my system HDD and I've been trying to figure a way to get the Palomar
plates back that no longer show up as an option in the overlay window.

I emailed Project Pluto asking this same question nearly a week ago,
but no reply so far.

If I have to do a complete reinstall, is it safe to reinstall G8 on
top of its existing files? Or would it be better to uninstall
everything, data files and all, before a reinstall? Appreciate your

