. Nov 20, 2007
--- In guide-user@yahoogroups.com, "." <larkerer@...> wrote:
> The following line can be inserted in RA sorted position into
> galnovae.dat for the newest nova in Puppis.
> N Pup 2007/2 2007 07 05 42.7 -38 14 42 11.4
> V N A.M.Read et al,
> M.A.P.Torres et al
> It'll get wordwrapped, use the previous columns to get it lined up
> properly.
> The references are ATEL 1282 and 1285.
> There's several points to be noted on this one.
> First, the position is preliminary. Some comment has been made re
> association with a nearby USNO star as progenitor that lies within the
> xray error box, but no astrometry of the nova itself has appeared as
> yet, so there is no way to confirm this.
> The 11.4 V mag I've placed in the "discovery mag" column, but this
> nova is apparently already well past maximum, yet the first reported
> mag measures are neither a max nor a min.
> As it has not been released via the usual IAUC route it might not end
> up with a GCVS identity, so might not become V598 Pup (so I haven't
> predicted that).
> Deciding on who the discoverer is is complicated in this case. The
> team who noted the xray transient did not know what it was, although
> evidently they were the discoverers of the "object". The team that
> examined it optically/spectrally and identified it as a nova
> "discovered" the "nova". So, I've included both teams as discoverers
> with the team leaders from both being mentioned, and with object
> discoverers noted before object type discoverers.
> The galnovae.dat file can be readily updated by hand when actual
> astrometry is published. The other matters may never be clarified, at
> least not via any official publication. This can happen with novae.
> Cheers
> John