John, about the NGC-IC problem: I goofed here. When I put the code
together, that file was posted on the site as
REVNGC2.TXT. Now, it's REVNGC.TXT. That's why you had to rename it.
I'll be posting an update that looks for either name (easy enough to
do), in hopes of evading the mess I've created.
Still, you _did_ rename it; there should be no further problem
that I know of. Anyone else seen this?
I played around with a Millennium "clone" mark a while ago... the
result I got follows. Save this message as MILLENNI.MAR (or just the
lines between 'start of mark' and 'end of mark'), and you'll see it
listed in the "Load a Mark" box. You may have to play around with the
font you're using and with the margins (some printers have different
ideas as to where they ought to be.)
The Millennium atlas did cause me to make a few changes to Guide over
the last year or so. For example:
(displaying stars with lines indicating their proper motion over
1000 years)
(putting RA/dec labels outside the charts when printing, with
choices as to which sides get labelled)
(ability to show the layout of the Millennium atlas, as a user-added
(setting oddball grid/tick/side label spacings. This matters because
the spacing used on the Millennium charts is not one of those given in
the "Spacings" dialog box in Guide.)
(some thoughts for future improvements, in which you could just tell
Guide to make a "Millennium left-hand-page" or "right-hand page" chart,
or a "Uranometria-style" chart, and so on)
-- Bill
-------- Start of mark ----------
999 name Millennium 'clone'
998 created 2451345.357057 701
#1 ra 227.502979
#2 dec 18.019751
3 level 6.000000
4 mag0 115 0
#5 markings 6637
#6 automark c637
#11 lat/lon -69.900000 44.010000 0
12 zenith 0
#13 strfmt 134 0
#14 defepoch J2000.000000
#15 timezone 0.00
#16 currtime 2451345.356681
#17 zonename 8
#51 language e
#18 drive e:\guide_cd\
#19 julian 0
#20 home 3
#21 inversn 0 0.000000
#22 printer 0 0 ! PRN 0 0
#24 testflag 7fff
25 marking 0 1 0 0 D0.000000 3000000.000000 3000000.000000 15 130.00
25 marking 1 1 2 0 J2000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 15 130.00
25 marking 2 1 3 0 J2000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 15 130.00
25 marking 3 1 0 0 J2000.000000 250000.000000 500000.000000 15 130.00
25 marking 4 1 0 0 J2000.000000 3000000.000000 3000000.000000 15 130.00
25 marking 5 1 5 1 J2000.000000 100000.000000 100000.000000 3 130.00
25 marking 6 1 5 2 J2000.000000 250000.000000 100000.000000 8 130.00
25 marking 7 1 0 3 J2000.000000 1500000.000000 1000000.000000 1 130.00
26 ap dia 0.000000
#27 mark2 cf
#28 altitude 100.00
29 mag rang 100
#30 az convn 0
31 margins 100 100 100 100
32 rescale 1.000000
33 sizes 0 648000000 324000000 162000000 72000000 36000000 18000000
7200000 3600000 1800000 900000 480000 240000 120000 60000 30000 15000 8000
4000 2000 1000
#34 colors 7 15 4 4 1 2 3 15 15 15 14 15 15 3 15 0 0 0 0 0
35 legend 2079 0
#37 Frame 0.968088 -0.321232 1.500000 1.000000 3.368485 4
#40 view off 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
#41 ast a li 0 2147483647 0
#42 lx200 pr 4
#43 track fr 0
#44 col spec 0
#45 dpi, inv 300 300 0 1
46 data 7 96 7 150 7 96 7 96 5 96 7 96 4 96 5 96 7 126 28 122 4 126
1807 96 487 150 7 99 1 125
#47 anim spd 0.0416666666667 3.000000
48 outlined 1 1 31 247
#49 lx delay 5 100 9600
#50 enc syst 4
#53 curs rdt 1
54 starsize 30 1802
55 mag text 0
#56 ast labe 0 0 0 0
#57 video 3
#58 gsc ppm 150
#59 gal size 20 9
#60 GRS lon 62.000000
#61 quickinf -1 110 150 1 0 0
62 datacols 4 4 4 4 5 4 5 4 3 5 15 15 15 15 2 4 4 4 5 4 7 7 4 4 4 5 14 14 5 4
#63 real CD J
#64 line var 0.000
#65 cometcrc d61104f7
#66 color mo 0 0 ffffff 000000 000080
67 projecti 4
#68 planets 1 50
#69 TLE name C:\SATTEST\gps.tle
#70 encoders 8192 8192
#71 ephemer 403f -600 0 0
#73 temp/hum 20.00 20.000000 1.000000
#74 A1.0/2.0 0
#75 panning 0.500000
#76 pl maps 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
#77 view vel 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
#78 view acc 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
#79 pl contr 0 0
-------- End of mark ----------