Re: Guide startup from HTML-Link (MS IE on WinXP) ?
petersurma Oct 12 1:54 AM
after some investigation it now seems to me that HTML and IE
functions will not suffice to achieve this. I also checked javascript
features, but since js cannot create local files (for security
reasons), it seems that you need to run (and enable) java processing
in your browser to start + position Guide from a web page.
I now simply created an individual .bat files for each object (which
is not really dynamic, is it ? - but it works straightaway :-) and
call this specific .bat file from the specific link, as stated above.
The typical .bat (here for opening M33) looks like this:
cd ../../../../../../../../
guide8.exe -om33
Large numbers of .bat files can be created easily (again by a .bat
file). So it's just the effort of typing the object into the create
list and then I get all the bat files. Creating those .bat files
looks like this:
echo off
for %%i in ( ngc147 ngc185 m31 ngc253 ngc404 m33 ngc891
ic1296 ngc1275 ngc6503 ngc6946 ngc7317 ngc7331
m1 ngc650 m57 ngc6905 m27 ngc7009 ngc7293
ngc281 m20 ngc1499 ngc6888 ngc6960 ngc7000 ic5070
ngc6656 ngc6939) do (
echo %%i
echo c: >> StartGuideOn_%%i.bat
echo cd ../../../../../../../../ >> StartGuideOn_%%i.bat
echo cd GUIDE8 >> StartGuideOn_%%i.bat
echo guide8.exe -o%%i >> StartGuideOn_%%i.bat
echo on
The typical html link looks like this:
<a href="StartGuideOn_m33.bat">M33</a>
If anybody finds a simple(r) dynamic solution (which can transfer
parameters in the link into the startup .bat file, or directly start
guide), please let me/us know.
Anyway it's now very nice to see Guide come up very webpage-like and
centered on the object (link) I clicked on. Cool. :-)
Best wishes,