Hi folks,
As it happens, I got an inquiry a few days ago about a rumor that the
full moon would be amazingly bright... I wouldn't go as far as to say
'amazingly', but it _should_ be brighter than average. Since the subject
came up here, I tacked my (long-winded) answer onto the 'random' page:
In reply to another inquiry, I also added some information to that
same page about USNO Ax.0 magnitudes, and a (cumbersome) way to improve
them a little.
By the way, I've been replying to the "support"-type questions (the
'missing bitmap of Jupiter', the 'Sloan .TDF file doesn't show the Sloan
stars', etc.) by private e-mail. This isn't to shut anybody else; it's
just that I'm assuming the answers interest only the people asking about
the specific problems. If any of you have run into similar problems,
let me know; I'd be perfectly happy to recycle my replies.
-- Bill