Re: [guide-user] CCD Frame: Adding a new CCD

Bill J Gray Sep 8, 2007

Hi Bob,

"...Can someone tell how to add a NEW CCD frame? I have a Phillips
SPC900NC web cam."

You have two choices. This camera has a 640x480 array of 5.6 micron
square pixels, which happens to match the SAC7/7b camera. The latter
_is_ in the CCD Frame dialog. If you select it, you'll get the right
frame size.

Alternatively, download

to your Guide folder, and you'll see that 'Philips SPC900NC' has
been added to the list in that dialog.

(Note to all: adding new cameras to 'ccds.nam' is pretty easy, unless
they have guiding chips, and is documented near the end of the file.
Still, you're usually better off asking me to add the data for your
camera, for several reasons. First, if you add it without consulting
me, you'll probably lose that camera the next time you update Guide.
Second, if you have _me_ add it, everybody else using that camera
gets the benefit of it.)

-- Bill