Update posted

Bill J. Gray May 16, 2000

Hi folks,

I've just posted an update on the Web site. Most of the items on
it are things that people who saw the "sneak preview" at NEW.HTM have
known about for a while, but the use of data from the NGC-IC Project
and the display of 25 faint natural satellites (including Amalthea)
are actually "new". The list of Guide hotkeys is also truly "new".

Thomas, I think you'll see that the conjunction problems are
(almost entirely) resolved in the current posting of Guide. See:


As is increasingly apparent, Guide 8 is taking much longer than
expected. Getting the NGC-IC Project data into Guide was part of an
effort to update the variable star, galaxy, and general deep-sky
databases in Guide... one that took somewhat more time and effort
than I expected. I got quite frustrated, and shifted to adding the
25 faint satellites. That cleared my mind up enough that I am again
making pretty good progress. Once I complete the "two-CD" handling
and image compression/display, Guide 8 ought to follow in short order.

-- Bill