Hi folks,
I've just posted an update on the Web site. Most of the items on
it are things that people who saw the "sneak preview" at NEW.HTM have
known about for a while, but the use of data from the NGC-IC Project
and the display of 25 faint natural satellites (including Amalthea)
are actually "new". The list of Guide hotkeys is also truly "new".
Thomas, I think you'll see that the conjunction problems are
(almost entirely) resolved in the current posting of Guide. See:
As is increasingly apparent, Guide 8 is taking much longer than
expected. Getting the NGC-IC Project data into Guide was part of an
effort to update the variable star, galaxy, and general deep-sky
databases in Guide... one that took somewhat more time and effort
than I expected. I got quite frustrated, and shifted to adding the
25 faint satellites. That cleared my mind up enough that I am again
making pretty good progress. Once I complete the "two-CD" handling
and image compression/display, Guide 8 ought to follow in short order.
-- Bill