Here is the INFO file from my Guide 8 using the MYCORB database. See 6 & 7 lines
from the bottom of the text.
Larry Wood
(3200) Phaethon mag 19.1
Right ascension: 5h55m28.538s
Declination: +32 09' 38.61"
Mean position at current epoch:
Right ascension: 5h55m58.523s
Declination: +32 09' 41.47"
Apparent position at current epoch:
Right ascension: 5h55m58.492s
Declination: +32 09' 47.52"
Dist from home planet: 2.19162797 AU (327,862,877 km)
Heliocentric position: lon 61.34791 lat 9.43356
Heliocentric radius 2.02862 AU
94.42% illuminated
Phase angle: 27.34 degrees
Elongation from Sun 67.31 degrees (morning sky)
Speed of apparent motion: 50.831"/hour at position angle 87.7
Motion is -0.34 degrees/day in RA, 0.01 degrees/day in dec
Preliminary designation: 1983 TB
Discovery date: 1983 Oct 11
Discoverer's name: IRAS
Discovered at: Satellite
Name cited in Minor Planet Circular 9771
Asteroid diameter 5.2± 0.7 km
0.00 arcseconds angular diameter
Albedo .089±.025
Comments from the MPCORB database:
Designation: (3200) Phaethon
Absolute magnitude: 14.6
Slope parameter: 0.15
Orbital elements:
Semimajor axis: 1.2713475
Eccentricity: 0.8900252
Inclination of orbit: 22.18218
Argument of perihelion: 322.01320
Long. ascending node: 265.39593
Mean anomaly: 168.33240
Mean daily motion: 0.68755539 degrees/day
Epoch of elements: 10 Apr 2007
Uncertainty level: 0
1515 observations made at 20 oppositions
Orbital arc: 1983-2006
Last observed: 2006 02 07
RMS residual: 0.54
Perturbing objects used in orbit: M-v
Orbit computed by MPC
Orbit based on the JPL DE403 positions and masses
A potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA)
Reference: MPO104057
Perihelion distance 0.1398162 AU
Aphelion distance 2.4028788 AU
Period of orbit 1.43 years (523.6 days)
Date of perihelion JD 2453955.67258 ( 7 Aug 2006 22:09)
alcahill2001 wrote:
> Hi Group and Bill,
> In the past I have been able to find out in More Info, if the asteroid
> I'm looking at is a PHA, Apollo, Amor or Aten. Now Guide doesn't give
> that info. Has something changed?
> For instance (3200) Phaethon is a PHA, it doesn't give that information
> now. Any suggestions?