Lenght of lines in .dat files

Bertrand Laville Jul 16, 2007

Hi Bill and All,

I am in the process of making an extrafile concerning the Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae (PNG).
I think this catalogue will be a real improvement for Guide users, since the PK, which is the basic catalogue included in the Guide CDs
is becoming a bit old, and rather out of date.
The PNG, even released in 1982, is still now, the most extended catalogue concerning PNs. But it is in an uneasy way to be compiled
in a .dat file. I must gather a bunch of canned files, through a big file, the lines of which are very long.
So, here is my question: what is the lenght (number of caracters) of lines that Guide accepts for a .dat file before crashing?



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