Re: [guide-user] Pluto's status

Woodchuk May 14, 2007

My thoughts exactly. Thank you Richard Mallet

When will they decide to separate the gas giants from the terrestrials

And I have observed Pluto every year since 1991. All confirmed (except for 2 or 3)
with a sighting on another night. This all in a 12.5 in Newtonian from a location
North of +49° -- most from +53.5.

And to get close to on topic -- the last ten or so sightings were with the use of
charts created on Guide. My first one was Guide5 and still the best.

Thanks Bill.

Larry Wood

Richard Mallett wrote:
> Reply to: Wolfgang Benz
>> Hi Bill
>> Honestly, Pluto is still a planet, a dwarf planet. But in fact it was
>> never treated like a major planet and up to now the best image
>> we have is a blurry one of a few pixel in diameter. So I really
>> cann't understand how so many people could build up a "love"
>> relationship to it and why they get so emotinal although nearly
>> all of them have never seen the thing they fight for by themselves
>> (for sure more than 99% of them have never tried to find and
>> see Pluto in the night sky (looking at HST and other big scope
>> images doesn't count here)).