Re: MPCOrb.dat interesting find

trvsfn Apr 29, 2007

--- In, Bill J Gray <pluto@...> wrote:
> Hi Denis,
> Dunno why _that's_ happening... Guide should handle that change
> without any problem! (It doesn't actually make any use of that
> number; it looks at the name -- which occupies the same columns
> as it did before -- and at the number given at the start of the
> line, not the one given in parentheses near the end of the line.)
> I tried replicating the problem, using all three possible
> labelling schemes ("label by number", "label number, provisional
> designation", "label name, provisional"). All three worked as
> I would have expected.
> Do you find that the problem occurs when using the full
> 'mpcorb' file? Or does it only happen with subset files?
> And which labels are missing: names, numbers, or provisional
> designations?
> -- Bill
Hi Bill,
If you go looking for the asteroid number 144675 (2004FZ132) you
will see close to it two more asteroids (2003DQ6 and 2001TX44) that
do not show any label, at least this happen to me.
Cheers, Stefano