Re: [guide-user] New bug: lines display

Andrea Pelloni Apr 18, 2000

Dear Bill, three days ago I found a strange problem in one of my
bookmarks, which opens at level 7, with all USNOA.2 stars, all Minor
Planets up to Mag 19.0, and no extended objects. I have both Guide and
USNOA in my "D" drive.
When I move to about DEC -1, both with cursor and with "Go to
Coordinates" command, many GREEN lines appear along DEC, with different
from each other, in a very strange and illogical pattern.
Moreover, if I try to move exactly on one of these lines with the mouse
cursor,this does not happen, and the field moves but only closer to the
not "ON" the line. Practically the lines change their position along DEC
as I click a new center position, so they are not fixed in position.
The strange is that this happens only immediately below DEC 0°, and ends
below about DEC 9°. I have my GUIDE7 upgraded with ALL the files you
added from a lot of time, up to yesterday's last one.
I have just now loaded the new GUIDE upgrade "One bug fixed/UCAC
display" with the hope that this could solve the problem, but this
didn't happen.
The only "EXTRAS" from the "Toggle users datasets" are /constellation
labels/ and /Guide users/, and these are ON from a lot of time.
The only "GREEN" lines additions I have done in the last days is that I
have drawn new constellation lines for all the constellations,
eliminating the old default ones. May be this is the problem? Anyhow I
have put these commands as before, so eliminating the NEW constellation
lines and putting ON again the default ones, without results.
Can you help me?
By and thank you