Re: Re tear2.exe, put a second copy in utils subdir

duble.stars Mar 25, 2007

Well, Bill will likely sort it, _but_ if you'd like to reply to this
email and after it paste the first five lines from cmc14.txt at the
end of your email, I have Bill's tdf downloaded and I can check if
something has happened, such as a format change since Bill wrote his tdf.

Just load cmc14.txt into notepad so there's no wordwrap and highlight
and copy the first 5 lines and paste them in an email, I'll be to
unwrap those.

If cmc14.txt is bigger than 64 kb delete it and start again with
another download from the internet and cut and paste from that file.

If you're getting cmc14.txt file with data in it, it is working, so
the problem is the tdf not reading that file properly if the file
isn't corrupted, and the only likely reason for that is that vizier
have changed the default ouptut format since Bill wrote his original TDF.



--- In, "trvsfn" <trvsfn@...> wrote:
> Hi John,
> I made the copy of tear2.exe and I put it in Utils subdirectory but
> still I do not see the stars.
> I have the cmc14.txt (full of data) in the Guide directory and I see
> the program downloading data from Vizier (I still have a 56K telephone
> line so I have time for a short cofee breack while downloading).
> Cheers, Stefano