Re: [guide-user] TDF in geo-mode

Laurent Zimmermann Apr 14, 2000

Hello Frank,

Your message reminds me that Guide randomly spreads the coordinates of nearby cities to have them displayed not too clustered. That (relatively useful) feature might be considered as a severe problem for the application you plan !


Laurent Zimmermann
----- Original Message -----
From: Frank Leiter <>
To: <>
Sent: vendredi 14 avril 2000 20:09
Subject: [guide-user] TDF in geo-mode

> Hi Folks !
> Lately I've been trying to create a tdf-dataset to show locations of
> certain observers who watched a occultation of a star by a
> minor-planet.
> Doing that I noticed, that my Guide7 (version 29.12.99) doesn't allow
> to add information to that dataset. It shows the positions correctly
> and uses the specified labels. But I can't force it to show additional
> information when clicking the right mouse button. Neither does it show
> info in that window nor in the "more info" window.
> I noticed, that another dataset which I build some months ago doesn't
> work properly anymore.
> Is it a unique problem of my installation or a bug ? Did somebody else
> encounter that behavior, too ?
> Have a great weekend,
> Frank
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