Laurent Zimmermann Apr 14, 2000
----- Original Message -----
From: Frank Leiter <>
To: <>
Sent: vendredi 14 avril 2000 20:09
Subject: [guide-user] TDF in geo-mode
> Hi Folks !
> Lately I've been trying to create a tdf-dataset to show locations of
> certain observers who watched a occultation of a star by a
> minor-planet.
> Doing that I noticed, that my Guide7 (version 29.12.99) doesn't allow
> to add information to that dataset. It shows the positions correctly
> and uses the specified labels. But I can't force it to show additional
> information when clicking the right mouse button. Neither does it show
> info in that window nor in the "more info" window.
> I noticed, that another dataset which I build some months ago doesn't
> work properly anymore.
> Is it a unique problem of my installation or a bug ? Did somebody else
> encounter that behavior, too ?
> Have a great weekend,
> Frank
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