Problem with occultations. Starting GUIDE

Oliver Kloes Apr 14, 2000

Hi Guide-Users,
have a problem with the eclipse mode of GUIDE. The table "Asteroid occultations worldwide" shows a occultation of a star by Jupiter at Nov. 5. 2000. After clicking on both objects and "show eclipse", I will get "No eclipse found". The same with the occultation by Jupiter at Feb. 6. 2000, while that of Nov. 21. works fine.
There are several occultations by Pluto at the list, I could not display one of them. After checking them all, you can see that every time Ceres would occult the same star the same second or just seconds later written in the following line. I guess Pluto and Ceres got mixed up at the list.
Some time ago I have started GUIDE and could not believe my eyes what I was seeing: Stars with magnitudes around -150 (!) all over the screen! Feeling like being in the center of the galaxy. Then I recognized what had happen, the GUIDE-CD was not in the CD-Rom drive. With earlier versions GUIDE gave a warning and could not be started without the CD. Is this a bug of the new update? I'm running the version of April 4.
Clear skies