Re: [guide-user] re iii.dat

Laren Dart Feb 14, 2007

Hi John,

Good question. I just d/l it with 4 different browsers: Sea Monkey
(my default browser), FireFox, Netscape, and Internet Explorer. In
each case, the file bypassed the browser interface and opened the
download dialogue with a Save option. I simply saved it, copied it
from my download directory, and pasted it into my Guide 8
directory. (I could have saved it directly to the Guide 8 directory,
but I don't do that until I've seen a file.) I don't know anything
about programming, but when I opened it in Notepad, it looks more
like a programming language, definitely not ascii. HTH,


At 11:27 AM 2/14/2007, you wrote:

>How are people saving this file to hard disk from the browser, anyway?
>Are all browsers equal and likely to automatically save it as flat
>ascii and as iii.dat (rather than say iii.dat.html which happens with
>some setups)?

Laren Dart