Re: [guide-user] Re: ASCOM scope control report

Gerhard Dangl Feb 13, 2007

Good afternoon Mr. Masaki Kouda,

> He asked me how to display mark of "Target object"
Guide always assumes that the target was centered on screen before the
button to start moving to the target will be clicked with mouse.
1a. ) Center target in Guide screen by mouse click or by Guide Goto command.
2a.) Click "Slew telescope" in the Scope Pad on the right side top of Guide

> and "the place of direction of telescope"
> (though, "the red symbol" as Gerhard wrote).
1b.) Menue "Settings" => "Toolbar" set "Toggle scope location indicator" to
ON. Now a red dot symbol button is on top of Guide screen. One click on it
and it is activated. From now on Guide moves the screen window always to
show the current telescope direction. Additionally on screen the red dot
symbol is shown.

2b.) As described before, to move to a new target we have to center this new
target before. But before choosing a new target we have to deactivate the
red dot symbol feature. Because if we would try to center screen to a new
target with red dot symbol active, Guide would immediately recenter back on
current telescope direction within a second.

3b.) After we have chosen a new target and started slewing the telescope to
the new target, the red dot symbol can be activated again and it shows then
how the telescope is moving across the sky parts to the new target.

Gerhard Dangl