Re: [guide-user] Saving Location, Planetary Features

Ned Smith Apr 10, 2000

Thanks Oliver. that was indeed tha problem with missing planetary features.

>>> "Oliver Kloes" <100.337340@...> 04/10/00 10:38AM >>>
Hi Roger,
got to the GUIDE directory and open "geonames.dat", enter the longitude (West of 0 degress with a minus) and the latitude (minus for south) and the name of the location. Look carefully for the writing of the position (for degrees use * ). Save this file.
At running GUIDE, go to "Settings" and "Location" and push the button "Enter location name". Type the name of the location and the latitude and logitude will be updated at once.

Hi Ned,
the files of "Planetary Features" are named "Planet (number).gaz"

Clear skies,