Re: WDS and Guide

Ed Wiley Jan 28, 2007

Follow-up on my original post:

After working with GUIDE8 a bit, I think it is recognizing the 2005
WDS catalogue(WDS(current)). Toggle WDS (current) and untoggle WDS: I
can still call up a double (say POU 3347)through the Go To name and
Guide navigates to that position. But, no data are displayed. If I
toggle WDS2001, I get a white dot and green magnitudes, but no label
associated with the double, making it hard to pick out the position of
the double relative to stars in the field. Perhaps this extra info
will allow Bill or someone else to narrow the problem parameters?


--- In, "Ed Wiley" <edwiley@...> wrote:
> A problem and a couple of questions.
> Problem: I have never had any luck getting the WDS 2005 catalogue
> downloaded from the PP site to display in Guide 8. At the root level I
> have the files downlaoded:
> wds_new.tdf (unzipped)
> wds_out.txt
> wdsweb_summ.txt
> In the WDS folder (C:\GUIDE8/WDS) I have
> WDS2001.DAT
> The User data set does list "WDS Current" as an option, but no data.
> I am not too smart about programming. Do I need to do some moving and
> re-naming of files?
> Question 1: Anyone converting the WDS 2006.5?
> Question 2: In the adjust datasets window: what does the dialogue box
> "Show at" mean??What is the significance of the values like 0-15?
> Magnitudes? I could not find this in the documentation.
> Many thanks,
> Ed