Misssing stars

Ben Hudgens Nov 26, 2006


I sent you a private email a few weeks ago and never received an answer so thought I would repost it here.

Problem... I have noticed that with the current version (Sept 18) and maybe earlier versions, there are many of the dimmer stars not showing that used to be shown. How I found this was I print many path charts for asteroids during the year. In referring back to some of the earlier ones printed in the Mar-Apr period, I found that the same area shown on the screen now does not display all of the stars that were shown months earlier. I have magnitude limits set at 16 and field of view for two degrees on most charts.

It appears that these missing stars on the current version display are in the dimmer 14-15 mag range.

I can send you a copy of one of the early printed charts for you to compare if you need.

Anyone else ever come across this 'problem'?

Ben Hudgens
Stephenville, TX

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