Re: [guide-user]

Laren Dart Nov 25, 2006

At 14:31 11/25/2006, you wrote:

>Did MoonView eventually not work, been renamed, or...? I still have
>the zip file for the program, but can't find the original
>instructions. I vaguely remember it was to register lunar feature
>names on photographs, but that was long ago, and I don't remember
>how. Should I dump it, or is it still on the back burner?
>-- Larry
>Laren Dart
>photography and writing

Just found I had a bookmark for MoonView
Don't have a clue where I found it in the first place, but the
bookmark works. A search of the Guide website did turn up a link in
Italian, which I translated with FoxLingo. It was the same as the one
as the one in English I had already bookmarked. Don't know why that
one didn't show up, though.

-- Larry

Laren Dart
photography and writing

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