Re: [guide-user] goto satellite/asteroid

Alan Cahill Sep 19, 2006

Hi George,

I'm not sure what is happening with the asteroids, they show up on mine
OK. Even if the setting you have for magnitude is too low, it will go to
the asteroid but not show it.

GOTO Satellite only (I think) goes to man made satellites, not
Satellites of a planet.

Best Regards


In message <eep8bm+aedc@...>, dr george pothoff
<georgepothoff@...> writes
> i played with guide v 8 from 18 sept in win xp and Me
> using GOTO asteroids i noticed that with e.g. the asteroids nr
> 31,32,34,35,36,38 the message "not an asteroid" pops up, while
> Guide
> acknowledges the existence of asteroid 37, and there are many more
> like this.
> Also even with Mars in the field Guide gives by GOTO satellite
> :Deimos
> ( or Phobos) the message "Satellite not found".
> Other satellites are similar
> Using GOTO Planets Guide finds the various satellites perfectly.
> Is this I or a quirk from Guide?
> Thanks
> George

Alan Cahill (J94)
Abbeydale Observatory,
Skype alcahill