Re: [guide-user] Changing grid colour irreversibly changes line style and line width

Bill J Gray Sep 6, 2006

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for mentioning this. I have heard of similar problems with
other markings in Guide; for example, one gent set planetary trails to
have a certain color, then found they had an odd width and line style.
He had to alter 'startup.mar' to fix this, too.

I have no idea (yet) as to how this happens, but it may help to
know that it's taking place in grids as well.

Now, as to persuading Guide to load up a .mar file: there isn't a
way to get it to load 'startup.mar' in this manner, but there _is_ a
way to do something resembling what you ask about. I have only now
documented it, at

Not mentioned there is the fact that if you found the main
application window for Guide and issued message 9841 to it, that would
force Guide to load 'mark41.txt', and similarly for other marks.

Hope this helps. Be warned: as the first to use this method (other
than me, and I've not used it much), you will probably find problems.
Please let me know if that happens.

-- Bill