Re: [guide-user] get_dss

Wouter van Reeven Aug 15, 2006

Hi for the last time (promise!),

On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 09:21:41PM +0200, To wrote:
> OK so I copied "environ.dat", "ifile", "lo_comp.lis" and "hi_comp.lis" from my
> GUIDE8 install dir to the Linux machine into the directory holding the compiled
> code. This makes the get_dss application ask for a CD! Hurray! Only two problems
> left:
> 1) I cannot mount the CDs under Linux. Mount complains about the blocksize on
> the CD being different than the block size of the file system I am trying to
> mount the CD on.
> 2) So I inserted the correct CD into my laptop sharing the cdrom drive. Next I
> mounted the shared drive onto Linux and put this line in "environ.dat"
> DSS_DIR=/media/cdrom0
> which is the directory the cdrom is mounted to. Unfortunately, get_dss doesn't
> recognise this, so I am left clueless once more. Let's see what idea pops into
> my mind next.

orry, I was wrong. This DOES work! When I open the fits file with The Gimp, it
looks perfectly ok. Now I just need to open it in AIPS which I haven't been able
to do yet. I'll figure it out.

Greets, Wouter


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Sir Bedevere: "And therefore...?"