Re: [guide-user] Northen Light

David M Swain Apr 7, 2000

Greetings All

The Aurora lit up the sky from here in Cirencester (about 70km
North of Bristol) in the UK last night, completely ruined my nights
meteor observing but what the hell.

Started off with a brightening of the Northern horizon about 20:40
and then developed vertical pillars (at one time ten in number) of
red and green. This was accompanied by clouds of deep red
drifting East/West. Gave up around 22:40 and went in as the
structure of the aurora had disappeared just leaving a pulsing light
in the north about as bright as a 50% moon. This is the first time I
have ever seen the Northern Lights from this far south and I am

Happy days


David M. Swain
Software Development Manager
Metric Group
Love Lane

"Flattery is a lot like smoking,
it's fine if you don't inhale"