Re: [guide-user] Northen Light

Jari Suomela Apr 6, 2000

Yeah! Also here in Helsinki (about the same latitude as Stockholm)
aurora was awesome, the best I've seen during the 16 years I've lived
under light polluted city skies. My limiting magnitude is about 4.5
without snow on the ground and 3.5 with snow.

The first hint of aurorae was visible soon after sunset when I took
some images of the grouping of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, and the Moon.
When it got darker I could see some red shades in addition to the
normal green. Around 20 hours UT there was this huge pillar of
red going from 10 degrees above the horizon to the zenith right
through Gemini. I can only envy those who saw this display from a
dark site.

The aurora really spoiled my plans for a night of imaging so I hit
sack at midnight - I hope I didn't miss anything really spectacular!


--- In, Claes Schibler <m1182@a...> wrote:
> Hi more Folks !!
> I looked out window --and must run out again
> the light had turned red and first film finish got
> other camera for 10 prints more.
> Will go p-store at opening and put for develop.
> It was impressive for this southern location.
> They living in north sweden has "better" "bigger" curtains
> as this.
> Claes
> Checked radio --- it is disturbance-noise on it at medium wave.
> cs