Re: [guide-user] Re: Only few asteroids without use of MPCORB

Roger Pickard Jun 17, 2006

Hi Bill,
I don't usually look at asteroids very often but seeing this thread I
decided to check and guess what? No asteroids. I'm running the 3 Nov 2005
version of Guide.
Use MPCord is greyed out and if I try entering an asteroid name or number it
says not a valid object! Also, if I ask Guide to list current visible
comets there they are, but nothing brighter than mag 18!
Hope this helps.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill J Gray" <pluto@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: [guide-user] Re: Only few asteroids without use of MPCORB

> Hi folks,
> Please keep comments about this problem coming. I've been hearing a
> bit about it, but have (at present) little clue as to its cause.
> Previously, I'd heard simply that asteroids vanish. The comment
> that turning MPCORB on, then off, causes them to vanish is a _very_
> important clue; I'm hoping that will enable me to provide a solution.
> Also, I'd suggest putting the second Guide CD-ROM in the CD-ROM
> drive and then running the program. The reason this may help is
> described at
> I think the problem may go beyond this issue, though.
> -- Bill
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