Paul Schlyter Apr 28, 2006
> Well if you want it for P/Schwassmann-Wachmann (73P) all--
> components ... you can find this info at <>
> Seiichi Yoshida provides a lot of great info on his web site.
> Mark S Deprest
> --- In, "Scott Kranz" <s.kranz1@...> wrote:
>>Yes, it does. thank you!
>>Now where can you get that info at? The Minor Planet Center does
>>not provide that data.
>>Thanks again! -Scott
>>--- In, "Mark S Deprest" <msdeprest@>
>>>Both values represent elements of the comet's intristic magnitude
>>>brightness of the comet.
>>>Starting with "6.0" in your example, is listed in Guide as
>>the "Slope
>>>parameter" or angle at which the comet is illuminated by the sun.
>>>The "8.0" is listed in Guide as "Absolute magnitude" or the
>>>magnitude at 1AU as seen from the sum.
>>>These numbers are very tricky to play with and authoratative info
>>>necessary to get accurate results.
>>>I hope this sheds a little light on the problem.
>>>Mark S Deprest
>>>--- In, "Scott Kranz" <s.kranz1@>
> wrote:
>>>>This is a basic line from the comet data file that GUIDE uses:
>>>>P/Faye (4P) 15.4815 11 2006
>>>>0.0 1.667245 0.566586 9.0317 205.0300
>>>>2000.0 8.0 6.0 MPC 48384
>>>>Can anyone tell me what the 2nd (value 6.0 in above example)
> and
>>>>(value 8.0 in above example) from last fields are?
>>>>When you get GENERATED files from the MPC they both are
> returned
>>as a
>>>>value of 0.0. GUIDE recognizes that as having a magnitude 99.0!
>>>>-Scott K.
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