Hi all
Yes... I did it.
The NexStar plugin for Guide works fine as does the scope, it's whizzing
around at the moment.
Reiterating Bill's earlier suggestion that the problem could be the cord -
I looked at the cord and compared it to my phone connection. Those nice
little gold pins at the end looked a lot further pushed in than my effort.
Good one James.
So I got out the flatty and pushed em in. And voila,
?# on hyperterminal
But when I put in AAaa etc nothing happened!
(ie no @ returned)
I booted up Guide and chose COM1>NexStar
ScopePad>Slew Guide
(the auto align put the Nex close to Canopus... and there it was on screen)
I tried some other objects including the horizon. I think my indoor
alignments must have been off as the scope stopped 10deg above.
So it works... thanks to all who helped.
Look at
http://members.home.net/nexstar/ for more tech stuff.
This should work with all the Nexstars including the new ones coming out soon.
Maybe the latest firmware revision doesn't need the @ returned? This scope
had the latest.
Ps to anybody else in Sydney... I'll be at the Macquarie Uni star thing on
the 8/4/00 from 5:30pm. I'm the one with the big green (camoflague) dob