Re: [guide-user] Sky Commander & Guide via laptop (MY SYMPATHIES)

Chris Westland Apr 4, 2000

Hi Sandy:

I have exactly the same problem, though I am using DOSGuide (but I haven't
been able to get this to work wit Winguide either). I have a cable from Vic
McKeigan who makes the Sky Commander, so hardware is not the problem (I
don't think). I'd be interested in knowing when you resolve this

Chris Westland
Hong Kong

----- Original Message -----
From: <sandymc456@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2000 5:25 AM
Subject: [guide-user] Sky Commander & Guide via laptop

> This is probably a simple question but I need some help from anyone who
> successfully gotten their Guide 7 program to communicate to the Sky
> DSC via a laptop computer (laptop is a Pentium IBM ThinkPad running Win
> Sky Commander is on a 12.5-in dobsonian reflector). I've been setting up
> begin an age of "paperless" observing: with a laptop outside, I won't have
> drag out all my books, references, preprinted charts, log books, etc since
> they will all be a mere click of a button away!
> I have all communications parameters on both computer & Sky Commander set
> correctly as far as I can tell (baud rates match, serial port enabled for
> 1, start/stop bits and parity OK, laptop reports no interrupt conflicts)
> STILL get a message from Guide that the port is not answering ("error
> port 1! 1 characters read: <-#>)? <grumble/mumble>. If someone has this
> configuration working, and doesn't want to bother others on the list, you
> email me privately with some advice on what I'm missing?
> I know this is minor (I've got Guide running great and configured to
> preferences on the laptop and the Sky Commander works well also on the
> telescope). All I need is Guide to "go to" where the telescope is
> And I know I can tell Guide this manually .... its just the principle of
> thing that I can't click on "slew Guide" and have it go where the
> is pointing. I just get irritated when my computer tells me it refuses to
> something it should be perfectly capable of <g>.
> Cheers,
> Sandy Mc.
> Sandra McNamara
> Stanford, IL N 40d 26' W 89d 13m
> EMail: SandyMc456@...
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