Re: constellation figures

Mark S Deprest Mar 1, 2006

These files are wonderful!!! They look and line-up great! I was
wondering if there is more of the Bayer images that can be put into
Guide. I was also very interested in the Durer maps and the pole
position (somewhere in Draco). I like them both but the Bayers are so
much more detailed and very artistic.
Thank you for taking the time to put them into Guide tdf format.
These are really cool!!!
Mark S Deprest

--- In, "darioanderle" <dario.anderle@...>
> Hi Bill,
> I have put the two data files on the directory bayer.
> with the ecliptical images and with the Durer
> maps.
> The way is to find some pixels position on the image and connect to
> them the ecliptical/equatorial coordinate.
> For an image are normally necessary 4/6 points.
> Ciao Dario