Re: [guide-user] Time Labels for Satellite

Bernd Brinkmann Jan 30, 2006

Hello Don,

> For example - If the current time is 21:30:30 and I select the geosync
> and create a trail the time labels will read 21:31, 21:32, 21:33, 21:34,
> 21:35, etc. but in reality the times are for 21:31:30, 21:32:30,
> 21:33:30, 21:34:30, 21:35:30.
> Is there any way to modify the program so that the time stamps occur at
> the beginning of the minute?

I assume you are using the latest update. Then there is a new check box
in the pop up menue "add trail": Round to nearest step.

If you mark this, then tick marks are set at the beginning of each
minute, hour, day or what you set in step size.

Clear skies

Bernd Brinkmann

Sternwarte Herne, MPC code A18
Herne, Germany

e-mail: info@...