[guide-user] Pierre, merci pour votre response
James Ellis Dec 15, 1999
I don't think that it should be a worry about other languages - Guide is
the only astro software I know of which combines many different languages.
Maybe though we should stick to Guide/astro topics as this is a guide user
Grammar corrections and the finer points of translations could maybe be
done by private emails....
Now to your questions,
My keyboard does not allow all the inflections etc so I hope this makes
sense -
Je ne crie pas bien francais, alors I will do my best! I can read and
understand french better than writing it.
Je m'interesse demi astrophotographie et demi observation visuelle.
J'ai trois telescope et une jumelle et un Olympus OM1.
Je voudrais mon 250mm Dobsonian á travaille? avec Guide 7.0 via encoders
and/or stepper motors. Mais un peu temp en mon vie???!!
Je suis "to purchase" un GPDX pour mon C5 et 150mm Newtonian pour
astrophotographie de les ciel sud.
J'aime les étoiles double, especially Alpha Centauri - les deux grand
lumiere- et Beta Crucis - blanc/blu et tres rouge.
J'ai concerne "myself" dernier 4 months avec les observations des Jupiter
et Saturne. I enjoy using Guide pour le calculation de transits et
occultations. Je vue le transit de Europa avec mon C5 et Guide 7.0
My best photograph is of le eclips solair en Curacao (Antilles). Il est un
mosaic de vingt et une images.
Et vous, est-ce que utilise votre telescop avec Guide via encoders?? quelle
telescope - Ultima 2000, C8 ou Meade?
A tout a l'heure
I too would like an empherides like Observers Companion for Guide. I hope
we are not stressing you too much, Bill!!!!!!
I like the setup in Guide 7b as well - sort of a click and "goto" feature.
I am trying to sool some Sky users I know on to it as an alternative...
I really like the geo data for Australia!! I am at the moment in Eastwood
(find it on the map) but I am moving to Berowra on Saturday, about 30kms
north to the outskirts of Sydney (less light) Both are on the map!!