Re: [guide-user] Trigonometry Question - more

Patrick J. Madden Dec 13, 2005

Hi Truman. T-Point is a really neat program you can buy from Software Bisque. It is available at their web site. It really makes a difference!

tk11@... wrote:
--On Monday, December 12, 2005 12:47 PM -0800 "Patrick J. Madden"
<unvat001@...> wrote:
>> I am trying to set up a 16" Ritchey with a FL of 3650 mm. Through the
>> T-Point program, I have discovered that there is a lack of orthogonality
>> between the optical axis and the declination axis.

I suspect that I have the same problem with my Celestron-8. Would you
please tell me what the T-point program is, and how to access it?

Truman P. Kohman, Departments of Chemistry and Physics
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA
Phone: 412/279-6056 Fax(CMU): 412/681-0648 Internet:
tk11@... (best for correspondence, ASCII documents),
tpkohman@... (best for images, coded attachments, etc.)

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