Trigonometry Question

Patrick J. Madden Dec 12, 2005

Greetings to the group!

I know this is not exactly about Guide, so maybe someone would reply to me privately off the group:
pmadden AT dioshpt DOT org
I am writing to this group because I know there are a lot of people on it who are good at math.

I am trying to set up a 16" Ritchey with a FL of 3650 mm. Through the T-Point program, I have discovered that there is a lack of orthogonality between the optical axis and the declination axis. The amount is 415 arc seconds, or about 7 arc minutes. Now, if the mounting rings are 16" apart, how big of a shim do I need to put under one of them to introduce an angle of 7 arc minutes?

It has been over 40 years since I took trig, and I have not used it much in my work as a Catholic priest. If anyone can give me the formula, I will be most grateful. I know it has something to do with sine, cosine or tangent!

Thanks so much,
Pat Madden

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